A custom commissioned watercolor painting of two blonde children with an older gentleman between them. They are facing away from the viewer, looking out over the water with the sun reflecting brightly on it. They are on a dock and holding fishing poles. they are seated on vinyl boat seats parallel to the dock. The child on the left wears an oversized flannel shirt in red. The older gentleman wears a blue flannel. The child on the right wears a black shirt. The details are exquisite and enchanting.

Fishing Family Commissioned Watercolor

This painting was done as a commission.  The client wanted a dear family photo turned into a painting for their mother. The client was the young man on the right.  The figure on the left was his sister and the central figure his mother’s father, who had passed.

The photo didn’t show the grandfather’s face, but the client wished for the painting to show a three-quarters view, which I combined with other family photos.

The result was loved. The commissioner said his sister cried when she saw it. It now hangs on his mother’s wall in a frame he created.

The process was lovely and enjoyable.  I hope I have an opportunity to do another like it. The anatomical challenge of creating a likeness based on other photos was right up my alley. The family deeply appreciated it. Professional commercial artists don’t often get that level of appreciation.


Corner Page Dragon Eye

Digitally painted for the corners of an author’s self-help book and coordinated self-affirmation cards an eye poking out behind a burnt corner was requested.  The client loved it so much the image now also lives on the hood of her car, as if the dragon is peeking out from the hood.


Corner Dragon Hand

Digitally painted for the corners of an author’s self-help book and coordinated self-affirmation cards, a dragon hand pulling back the page was requested. The client loved it so much the image now also lives on a door of her car, as if the dragon is creeping out from inside.

Dragon Tail

Corner Dragon Tail

Digitally painted for the corners of an author’s self-help book and coordinated self-affirmation cards an tail curling around the page was requested. The client loved it so much the image now also lives on gas cap of her car, as if the dragon is hiding under it.


Slay Your Own Dragons

Developed for a children’s book writer in Colorado this piece stared off in one direction and then went in a different one.  The client asked for and contracted for a single design involving a sword, lettering and a dragon to represent her brand.  The author writes stories aimed at building confidence and helping kids work through their problems.

Using a sister company’s aspiring young artists we received feedback that none of the students wanted to see the dragon die.  After sitting and talking to the students and listening to their feedback as the goal demographic, we created a second design that would capture the idea without making the children feel sad. We did not charge for this rethinking as only a single design was contracted.

The revised design with the watercolor texture was chosen by the client. By seeking end user feedback we created a design that better captured the idea the client wanted. With some minor revisions to the type, the rethought design is now being used. Can you spot the differences?

Ropp Political Sign

A small grassroots campaign asked BioSci Creative to design a sign that reflected an outsider’s approach to running for office. She has a record of working across political lines to get things done in the state of New Hampshire.  She wanted a sign that would unify the political parties under things both sides share, such as the state tree and bird.  The bird is also a small nod to Bernie Sander’s bird that visited during a political speech.  This sign combined those things, along with a rounded retro type face (Cooper Black) to give the sign an approachable feel, rather than authoritarian. The serifs still lend a feeling of stability, without being overly entrenched in the political scene. The red-brown and blue colors stand out in the sea of political signs while still holding to the patriotism of red white and blue that Elizabeth Ropp represents.

Elizabeth also asked for some stickers to hand out to voters, as stickers increase turnout for the next election. Though out of her price range for this season, she does hope to use them in the future.

Synergetic Fitness

Synergetic Fitness Website

Synergetic Fitness liked their logo so much they agreed to a second and third contract related to their online presence. They wanted a WordPress website emphasizing health, community, togetherness, energy, coed fitness, building community and team-based relationships.

The final website was contracted to contain a “Home” page, Services page, Testimony page (Facebook integrated), Before and After Gallery, About page, Trainer profile/biography page, Contact form and the ability to integrate online payment and online booking at a later date, discussed in an optional additional contract. Primary focus of the website at the
first stage, discussed in this contract, was demonstrating a professional appearance and list services.

The second stage, contracted in an optional follow along contract shifted the website’s focus and function to booking and paying online.  The process started so smoothly, by the draft stage the client agreed to the online payment options using Woocommerce and Square. The online booking uses a schedule of classes booked on a recurring basis with online payment.  Previously the client was hand scheduling clients based on availability they provided her.  A very bespoke approach, but time consuming.

BioSci Creative encouraged the drafting of a business plan to guide design choices and provided creative direction for professional photography.  The results combine into a very effective website that was contracted, drafted, designed, implemented and online payment added within two months. With a responsive client like Synergetic Fitness, fast turnarounds, even for custom solutions, is quick and easy.


Synergetic Fitness Logo Design

A gym in Northern Virginia contracted BioSci Creative to design a logo to represent their quickly growing business. Different from many gyms, they wanted the logo to be focused on digital color use. and have the potential for branded items like t-shirts and water bottles.  The gym owner is a strong social media user, so the logo was designed with heavy social media use in mind. This design met the client’s ideas about health, community, energy, co-ed fitness, team building, community and fitness. Though the gym is owned by a woman, and most patrons are women, the design was to be gender neutral.