A custom commissioned watercolor painting of two blonde children with an older gentleman between them. They are facing away from the viewer, looking out over the water with the sun reflecting brightly on it. They are on a dock and holding fishing poles. they are seated on vinyl boat seats parallel to the dock. The child on the left wears an oversized flannel shirt in red. The older gentleman wears a blue flannel. The child on the right wears a black shirt. The details are exquisite and enchanting.

This painting was done as a commission.  The client wanted a dear family photo turned into a painting for their mother. The client was the young man on the right.  The figure on the left was his sister and the central figure his mother’s father, who had passed.

The photo didn’t show the grandfather’s face, but the client wished for the painting to show a three-quarters view, which I combined with other family photos.

The result was loved. The commissioner said his sister cried when she saw it. It now hangs on his mother’s wall in a frame he created.

The process was lovely and enjoyable.  I hope I have an opportunity to do another like it. The anatomical challenge of creating a likeness based on other photos was right up my alley. The family deeply appreciated it. Professional commercial artists don’t often get that level of appreciation.